A Message from our Managing Director on the January 2021 Lockdown
With new Coronavirus lockdowns being implemented across the UK, the Government has advised that all businesses work from home where possible. This is with the exception of businesses in construction however, which are exempt due to the industry being essential for rebooting the economy.
As NorDan UK falls under this bracket, our company is permitted to continue operating as per the Tier 3-4 restrictions of the end of 2020. However, in response to the inevitable effects of the new lockdown, I have taken the decision to put the wellbeing of the NorDan UK workforce first.
Our on-site personnel will instead be working from home for at least the next two weeks. Upon returning from this period, we will be reviewing the possibility of a future hybrid working state with split working shifts within our teams.
This decision has been made to balance the physical and mental wellbeing of all NorDan UK employees while ensuring the business operates as effectively and efficiently as possible. While it is of course disheartening to be continually beset by the complications of the ongoing pandemic, I firmly believe that the best course of action is to put the safety of members of staff first and follow practices that will support a quicker return to normality in the long run.
During this initial 2-week period, all of our showroom locations will be closed. However, we were delighted to recently trial a virtual showroom experience via our office in Exeter. This virtual showroom option will be available throughout the current spell of home working. Details of this can be found via the Contact section of our website.
I continue to be grateful for the way in which the entirety of NorDan UK has responded and coped with the turbulence of the past 10 months. There have already been many challenges and I’m sure there will be more to come, but I am proud that our people have stayed strong and adapted quickly to continue delivering the high level of service expected by our customers, clients and supply partners. Our workforce is truly a testament to the strength of NorDan as a global company and family.
As the UK approaches 1 year of living with the COVID-19 pandemic, I have every confidence that our people will continue rising to the challenge and delivering the exceptional products and service we are known for.
Thank you to all of our loyal staff, customers and supply chain partners.
~ Alex Brown, Managing Director, NorDan UK