Gordon Mitchell Leaving After 16 Years with NorDan
It’s the end of an era for our Aberdeen office, as former Regional Director Gordon Mitchell leaves the company later this month.
Gordon will be leaving the business on the 23rd December and recently reflected on his decision to take some time out:
“After more than 16 very happy years with NorDan, I have decided it’s time for a new chapter. 2020, as I’m sure most will agree, has been a time of reflection and now is the time for me to take some time out. Looking forward to January, February and March, I’ll re-charge the batteries and spend quality time with my family, catch up on some projects at home and play some golf. From April onwards I’ll be working on a blank canvas, so who knows what the future holds!”
Gordon had stepped down from his role as Regional Director back in June of this year, taking up a new position as Projects Director. In his time leading the Aberdeen office, Gordon built and maintained a strong business unit and helped to establish the NorDan brand’s presence in the North of Scotland. As Projects Director, he worked on developing the company’s solutions service as well as developing specific market segments, building upon the foundations set during his tenure as Regional Director.

“Leaving a company and people I am extremely fond of is not going to be easy, but the NorDan Aberdeen business is in extremely safe hands under the stewardship of Barbara Massie and Calum Sinclair and their management team. I’d especially like to thank Alex Brown and Gillian Irvine for having the confidence and faith in me to lead the business for over 8 years.
I wish NorDan UK and all my many friends within the business continued success in the future. Finally, to all my contacts within the industry, many thanks for your support and business which has contributed to the success of NorDan Aberdeen over the years.”
NorDan UK would like to extend a thank you to Gordon for his many years of leadership in Aberdeen and we wish him all the best for the future.
Dec 08, 2020
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