NorDan UK Announces Record Growth
Rise of timber driven by carbon reduction and improving building performance
NorDan UK Ltd has announced a record 34 percent increase in turnover for a single year for 2022. The company’s sales have now increased year-on-year every year since 2016 and has grown more than 85 percent in the last five years.
Sustained growth across private and public customers is further evidence of changing priorities in the construction industry, with an increasing focus on the whole life carbon reduction of buildings and the longevity of product performance.
Originally conceived to withstand the harsh rigours of a Nordic maritime winter, many contractors, architects, and specifiers are now seeking materials that meet the changing demands of developers.
This is being heavily influenced by the Future Homes Standard (set to come into force in 2025), with numerous big social landlords and local authorities already specifying and building to that standard – including NorDan customers such as Reading Council and Clarion Housing Group.
The sale of timber products is also being driven by the need to reduce the whole life carbon of buildings, including the embodied carbon emissions generated from the manufacture, transport, installation, and eventual disposal of building materials.
Alex Brown, NorDan UK Managing Director said:
Last year’s record growth is obviously very pleasing, but 100% consistent with the wider direction of travel in construction and the built environment.
People have long known that NorDan’s timber products are carbon negative and offer a 60-year lifespan but have maybe in the past needed a reason to specify what were perceived premium windows or doors.
What we now see is low carbon, durability, and high-thermal performance becoming the new mainstream, and this is taking NorDan’s and other quality timber products with it.
Architects and developers are now seeking incremental gains across buildings to meet raising industry standards, as well as the expectations of the public, and NorDan can give them the low-carbon, high-performance guarantees sought.
Looking ahead, NorDan UK’s priority is to continue developing its people and infrastructure to maintain anticipated accelerated growth over the coming years.
Mat Clarke, Contracts Manager at contractor Henry Boot Construction comments:
Sustainability, and reducing the whole life carbon impact of building, has become an increasing priority for Henry Boot Construction in recent years, and we now routinely seek out sustainable suppliers and partners.
As a result, we are increasing the amount of timber we use in our construction projects, and this has made NorDan a natural choice, as it places sustainability at the heart of its operations and products.
A recent example of this can be found at our marquee development at The Cocoa Works in York, where NorDan’s products have the specification to achieve a high environmental and energy performance.
Ayo Allu, Director of Design, Technical & Innovation at Clarion Housing Group said:
Material costs and the impact of embodied carbon calculations on business performance is increasingly driving the way Clarion is constructing its buildings, as is our familiarity with the timber products on the market, and the vast increase in testing data compared to previous years.
“As a development business, we’re now benchmarking our embodied carbon for development and construction activities for the second year running, so we can set reduction targets for ourselves and our supply chain
To find out more about NorDan UK Ltd’s growth and ambitions for the future, read managing director Alex Brown’s latest blog
Feb 10, 2023
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